住吉公園 ツアーとアクティビティ

Pathways wind around grassy lawns, ornamental ponds, monuments and a playground in a park that was once part of the storied Sumiyoshi Taisha temple.

At the edge of Suminoe Ward is Sumiyoshi Park, a peaceful place to enjoy breaks from the vibrant energy of Osaka. Delight in the scenic greenery and water features of Sumiyoshi Park while strolling and biking along a network of shaded walkways. Bring the children to have fun at a playground and discover sights with historical links to the adjacent namesake temple.

Start your visit with a walk on Shiokake-michi, a paved pedestrian path and bikeway that runs through the center of the park. This was once the main approach to Sumiyoshi Taisha, a famous Shinto shrine that dates back to the 3rd century. Enjoy the picturesque setting of overhanging trees and multicolored flower beds. Trails lead from here into an oasis of well-kept lawns and decorative ponds, where turtles, herons and other wildlife thrives.

The park is a feast for the eyes throughout the year. Come in April to see the cherry blossom bloom and in late November to witness the warm hues of the fall foliage. Relax and people watch on a bench, take shade from the sun beneath gazebos, catch a baseball match and see friends playing shogi. Children will love the climbing frame, slides and swings of the play area.

At the western entrance to the park stands the Sumiyoshi Lantern Tower. Erected at the end of the Kamakura period, this is one of Japan’s oldest lighthouses. The ocean originally reached the park’s western border and the lighthouse served as a guiding light for visitors to Sumiyoshi Taisha.

The park marks the border between the Sumiyoshi and Suminoe wards, in southern Osaka. Travel here by catching a train to Sumiyoshitaisha station. It’s just a 10-minute journey from Namba Station.

Sumiyoshi Park is open year round. There are kiosks and vending machines, from where you can purchase drinks and snacks. A visit to the park is perfectly combined with a tour of the prayer halls and shrines of Sumiyoshi Taisha temple.


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