カスティリャ - ラ マンチャ観光ガイド

The home of Don Quixote is a colorful tapestry of magnificent nature reserves, sprawling wineries and towns holding traditions that go back thousands of years.

Experience the rich cultural vitality of the Castilla-La Mancha region, an area known for its stark beauty and the ancient stories embedded in its plateau landscapes. Learn the tale of Don Quixote of La Mancha as you adventure through the hero’s terrain and see some of the oldest examples of rock art in the country.

Cuenca is one of Castilla-La Mancha’s World Heritage-listed cities and has a fascinating medieval streetscape. Check out the Hanging Houses, a beautiful Gothic cathedral and the Museum of Abstract Art in this beautifully preserved city. Spain’s former capital, Toledo, has stunning Alcázar fortress ruins and a notable cathedral, which hosts the impressive annual Corpus Christi festival.

Visit Guadalajara to see an intriguing collection of Mudéjar architecture. Learn about one of Spain’s most iconic heroes, Don Quixote, in the city of Ciudad Real. Some of the traditional windmills that the literary figure fought against are still standing in the region. Nearby, you’ll find the tranquil beauty of the Lagunas de Ruidera, which is comprised of 15 lagoons.

Learn about Castilla-La Mancha’s prehistoric heritage at one of four archaeological parks. The region has the highest number of natural preserves in the country, which include the gorgeous landscapes of the Tablas de Daimiel and Cabañeros.

Be sure to visit local wineries as you tour around the Castilla-La Mancha. One of the region’s most popular wine appellations is Valdepeñas.

Pair your regional wines with some of Castilla-La Mancha’s gastronomic specialties. Try marzipan from Toledo or honey from La Alcarria, or choose from regional sausages and manchego cheeses. The region is also renowned for its craft traditions. Pick up keepsakes such as swords from Toledo or knives from Albacete.

Castilla-La Mancha is located in the interior of the Iberian Peninsula. Reach the region via airports in Albacete and Ciudad Real. The area is also easily accessible via train, bus and car. With its undulating countryside of rustic plains and plateaus, Castilla-La Mancha is an idyllic place to explore Spanish culture.

カスティリャ - ラ マンチャで人気の都市

観光ポイント : 歴史、大聖堂、美術館 / 博物館
トレドに来たら、歴史、大聖堂、観光を思いきり堪能しよう !


  • トレド大聖堂
  • ソコドベル広場
  • アルカサル
観光ポイント : 歴史、大聖堂、美術館 / 博物館
ハイセンスなクエンカを訪れて、歴史、ミュージアム、古代遺跡を堪能しよう !


  • ハンギング ハウス オブ クエンカ
  • シウダ エンカンターダ
  • クエンカ大聖堂
観光ポイント : 歴史、モニュメント、カルチャー
ハイセンスなアルバセテを訪れて、モニュメント、歴史、文化を堪能しよう !
観光ポイント : バー、自然公園、美術館 / 博物館
今こそ旅へ ! シウダドレアルで公園、ミュージアム、ゴルフを満喫しよう !
タラベラ デ ラ レイナ
タラベラ デ ラ レイナ
観光ポイント : バー、カルチャー、歴史
タラベラ デ ラ レイナに来たら、文化、歴史、公園を思いきり堪能しよう !
観光ポイント : エクスカーション、ウォーキング、モニュメント
旅に出るなら、グァダラハラがおすすめ ! モニュメント、公園、ミュージアムなどの魅力がいっぱいです。